Hi guys!
Body image was one of the topics I was asked to discuss, and considering I'm someone who's not happy with my own body and understand what people with a negative perspective of their image go through, I thought this would be a great topic to speak about.
I'm not going to sit here, and tell you all that your body is fine the way it is, and you should be happy with it because I know that won't work nor will it help you help yourself. Many people don't understand that the problem is how we perceive ourselves, not how others perceive it.
Body image is an issue that is not taken as seriously as it should, people are so quick to brush it off or label it as someone "fishing for compliments" when in reality it runs so much deeper than that. An issue like this can be so detrimental to an individual's well being. It's so sad to see so many people not happy with their bodies or the way they look.
This aim of this post isn't to be uplifting, it is aimed at showing you guys that this is such a common occurrence and you are not alone. One thing I despise, is that people are so focused on blaming the media. They're overlooking the real problem, they're not aiming to help individuals with body issues, their words consist of "don't listen to the media" when they should be aiming to help you see that your body is your body; fat, skinny, short, tall, learn to embrace it and you will be 100% happier. The confidence you emit (or if you have none, fake it) will reflect on your image and trust me people will notice and commend you. Confidence is key.
In order to assist you all in embracing your body and image I have a few pieces of advice.
Allow yourself to accept that this is your body, you don't need to change it to be happy, you need to change your outlook. If you constantly tell yourself this everyday, and allow yourself to believe that your body is beautiful whether it be a size 8 or a size 20, nothing else will matter.
Wear clothes that make you feel pretty, do your research, see what type of clothing suits your body and this will help you be more comfortable in your own skin because it will bring out the best of your body.
Don't look into the mirror, for too long, if you like your outfit, leave it, don't change it, don't let yourself believe that it doesn't look good on you. Wear it with confidence.
Be confident! I cannot stress this enough, I have seen people who are quite thick who look even better than Megan Fox because they are so confident and you cannot help but think wow.
Do things that make you feel good about yourself! Go to a spa for a day, do facials at home, exercise (to be healthy, not for the wrong reasons and in moderation), what ever you do, just make sure you do it for you.
I hope these tips help. As I said, this post was to help show you guys you are not alone and I acknowledge the fact that changing your perception is not easy hence why I did not attempt to drill it in, instead attempted to help you become more confident with your body. You are all beautiful, all with different beauties. Beauty does not have a body, it does not have a face. It is within you. Oh and don't forget, we tend to notice the imperfections about ourselves when others don't.
I feel it is appropriate to end this post with these lyrics;
You are beautiful no matter what they say!
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Haha, bye guys!
Rama x