15 March 2015


Hiyaaaa. In reply to my question on our next post, someone asked it to be on positivity! And because we are all about the readers, here it is.

Being positive in some situations is extremely difficult; I get that. You have those days where nothing goes right and those weeks were nothing is looking up. It’s easier to be negative about a situation, than to be positive. However, as some of you may know, I’m currently studying psychology, and what I’ve learnt is that you can condition and control yourself more than you think. It’s amazing, really.

When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, instead of being irrational, take a few minutes to clear your mind or sleep on it and come back to it when you’re no longer consumed by anger, sadness etcetera, etcetera. This helps eliminate irrational thoughts, helps you come to better terms with the situation and whilst you’re asleep, your unconscious mind and brain is still working on the problem (this is why the random “oh I’ve got the answer!” thoughts pop up in your mind, learnt it in psychology too :P).

Another tip, although so painfully obvious, is think positive thoughts. I can hear collective groans, but I cannot stress how much this actually helps. When you catch yourself thinking negatively about a situation or an outcome, change those thoughts, train yourself to start thinking good thoughts. Your brain and body rely on you to give it directions and believe me when I say; you can change how you feel. Train your thoughts— it’s all in your head. Be mindful, when thinking about the situation or outcome, live in the present, make no judgments just let yourself be consciously aware of what’s going on, then move on to problem solving.

Finally, I know this is getting annoying, but I learnt about a therapy in psychology that I really like and thought it would be the perfect time to share it. It’s called the Acceptance and Commitment therapy. I’ll just give you a brief run down of the theoretical implications. The acceptance part of this theory is allowing yourself to accept and acknowledge your emotions and allowing yourself to feel them. Accept the past unwanted, unwelcomed experiences and then make a commitment towards fulfilling a meaningful life, accepting the pain that is inevitable.

Nooooooow, I know this wasn’t a big bowl of positive sunshine that some of you might have expected, but I thought that a post like this would be better than the generic stuff other people usually pull out. I hope this helps you guys with any issues that you may have gone through, or are still, going through. I think these concepts can be applied to just about any given situation. I wish you guys all the happiness in the world, and remember, to be positive, just be positive! Was that lame? That was lame, hahaha.

Rama xx

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