Hello ladies and gents!
Sorry we've not been posting.. Been bogged down with exams, assignments and all. Hope everyone's well! This post was requested by an anonymous question on ask.fm.
Thought since I'm also waiting for my exam and assignment results, I'd share a bit of advice to hopefully assist anyone feeling anxious about their results!
Keep your thoughts positive. Having a negative mindset will really bring you down. You've already done the exam, there is no need to think about the "what ifs" and "I could have written more". In doing this, you will drive yourself crazy and there's just no need. You've already completed the exams, they're in the past now, as much as it sucks you cannot go back and re-do it, so it's best to accept it and move on.
Grades don't determine intelligence. Please do not forget this. Just because you've failed or not received a good grade, does not mean you are not intelligent! Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, comparing your weakness to someones strength is silly.
There are other pathways for your future. If these are grades for exams that determine what course you can do in University/College, then please remember there are plenty of pathways to get into your courses! There are also many study routes, you do not have to pick the most popular one. Do not follow the crowd that is a big mistake! Speak to your student advisors about what pathways you have! You'll be surprised at how many you have.
It's a learning experience. I won't lie, getting a bad grade sucks, but it truly is something you learn from. Don't dwell over it, there's no point, you can't change it. You must accept it and learn from the mistakes you've made. See what areas need improvement!
Parent's don't mean anything by pressuring you. I know some parents can be harsh and extreme when it comes to your grades, but it's because they only want the best for you. If they didn't pressure you, they wouldn't care about your grades and future, but they do. You'll understand when you're older and have children of your own. They want what's best for you, remember that.
I wish you all the best of luck with your grades! I know it's difficult getting a bad grade or a grade that's not what you wanted, but please remember you are more than what your grade or rank in school is. In future, honestly, it won't matter. I didn't get the best grades in my final year of high-school, but here I am doing a degree that I love and am happy with! Stay positive! Don't dwell, work on the future and forget the past! I actually cannot stop laughing, I am an absolute cheese ball.
Rama x
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