It's been a long long twenty-one years and there are some of the more important things that I've some to learn as I stumbled and crawled my way through life.
- Don’t wear yourself thin
Life gets busy, trust me, I know. My assignments kept piling up, and exam period always seemed to be looming ‘round the corner, and my mum just wouldn’t stop nagging me to ‘clean your room’ or ‘wash the dishes’ or ‘you’re always in your room come and spend time with us’. And before I knew it I was stretched so thin that the slightest thing made me snap - In this case, my brother bumping into me and me bursting into tears.
So, now I take a moment and do something I enjoy.
I read a book, or watch a movie or a couple of episodes of my favourite show, I listen to music, or simply take a nap. I just do something to relieve the stress. I don’t let it build up.
- Sleep is important
I cannot stress this point enough. A minimum of eight hours is recommended per night. And I suck at fitting it in. But I’m trying, and I think I’m getting there. But it’s a struggle and every time I have an assignment or an exam (or literally every weekend) I mess it up. But, maybe one day it won’t be so bad and I won’t be such a grouch, and those puffy bags/bruises under my eyes will be gone.