10 September 2015

21 Things I've Learnt In 21 Years

It's been a long long twenty-one years and there are some of the more important things that I've some to learn as I stumbled and crawled my way through life. 

  1. Don’t wear yourself thin
Life gets busy, trust me, I know. My assignments kept piling up, and exam period always seemed to be looming ‘round the corner, and my mum just wouldn’t stop nagging me to ‘clean your room’ or ‘wash the dishes’ or ‘you’re always in your room come and spend time with us’. And before I knew it I was stretched so thin that the slightest thing made me snap - In this case, my brother bumping into me and me bursting into tears.
So, now I take a moment and do something I enjoy.
I read a book, or watch a movie or a couple of episodes of my favourite show, I listen to music, or simply take a nap. I just do something to relieve the stress. I don’t let it build up.
  1. Sleep is important
I cannot stress this point enough. A minimum of eight hours is recommended per night. And I suck at fitting it in. But I’m trying, and I think I’m getting there. But it’s a struggle and every time I have an assignment or an exam (or literally every weekend) I mess it up. But, maybe one day it won’t be so bad and I won’t be such a grouch, and those puffy bags/bruises under my eyes will be gone.

2 September 2015

Oh No He Didn't

In which I ramble about boys and attempt to give empowering advice. 

Situation one:
So you’ve got a crush, he’s 6ft tall, has a good sense of humour and smells nice, WONDERFUL—except he doesn’t know you exist—oh no. DO NOT FRET I am here to save your day *really uncomfortable wink*

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in my life it’s to live fast and do everything you’ve always wanted to. If you want something you need to go for it, you need to take leaps in your life that allow you to be happy. You really like this boy right? I mean you are stalking his instagram every two seconds and you are checking his facebook to see what he recently posted. If you can’t stop thinking about him and what he might be doing at this very moment THEN JUST TALK TO HIM GIRL.

Sit in front of the mirror for a second and ask yourself, what is the worst thing that can happen here? The only horrible thing I can think of occurring is him not replying and you know what, if that little snot nose boy doesn’t reply to you (excuse my French here) fuck him. If he chooses not to reply to a beautiful and confident young lady like yourself then he’s not worth your time. YOU TAKE YOUR BEAUTIFUL ASS AWAY FROM HIS INSTAGRAM AND GO FOCUS ON SCHOOL OR SOMETHING (you really should be focusing on school first lbr). 

28 August 2015

A Letter to My 16-Year-Old Self

There was a time during our teenage lives where we were uncertain about almost everything – being unsure and desperate for guidance was how I carried myself during the first few years of teenager-dom. It wasn’t easy back then, and it still isn’t easy now. But I’d like to think that I’ve learnt a few things in the meagre three years between then and now.

Back then, I would’ve absolutely killed for someone older and more experienced to tell me what to do. And so I sought out other people for some advice – anything, really. But the thing is, I never actually took any of their advice. So in saying that, I’m doing myself a favour and sending out a letter to my 16-year-old self in hopes that she’ll take heed of it.

To my 16-year-old self,  

Sixteen. One of the most important ages a girl can turn – hell, there are even movies dedicated to teenagers turning the ultimate sweet sixteen. It’s the year everything seems to pile up, sometimes even threatening to overflow. There are times when you’ll sit in your room and just cry because everyone and everything seems to be so against you, but then there are other times where you’ll find yourself the happiest you’ve ever been and wishing you could relive that moment forever.

Turning sweet sixteen – the year you learn to drive a car (provided you get your license), the year parties and alcohol take over (for a select few, this might not be the case); it’s the year that exams start to take precedent, where friendships form and collapse; the year that you can legally have sex and discover things about yourself that you didn’t know before.

I’m not going to lie, turning sixteen was not easy for me. I cried, a lot – about everything you can imagine. Sixteen marked the end of my junior high school life, along with the start of that horrendous two senior years that you’re ultimately going to face. Sixteen was the year I lost some of my closest friends, but also formed a tight-knit friendship (that is sadly, now over). Your teenage years are all about trial and error. Remember that.

I made some stupid choices in my sixteenth year but that’s ok. Think of it as a learning experience; you’ll grow, you’ll mature, you’ll laugh at how stupid you were, but you wouldn’t be you if it weren’t for those particular experiences.

1.       Don’t let boys take over your world.
I’ve seen so many people crash and burn during the whole 15-17 year old age range. Sixteen is the year where you notice everything. You might’ve giggled over a few crushes back in the day with your friends, but this is the year where things get a little more serious. You’re more willing to experiment with your love life, which is absolutely ok. Talk to boys (or girls for that matter), get to know them, break hearts, have your heart broken. Just don’t let them take over your world. Don’t shut your friends out, don’t neglect your schooling, don’t abandon everything that makes you you, just for a boy.

20 August 2015

Lilash Review!

Hello friends.. It's been a while
Sorry! We've been bogged down with our university workload.

I've been trialling the Lilash Eyelash Growth Serum for a little over 12 weeks and wanted to share the results with you all! As the name suggests, it's designed to assist with eyelash growth, Lilash also have a serum designed to help with eyebrow growth.

29 June 2015

Looming Grades!

Hello ladies and gents!
Sorry we've not been posting.. Been bogged down with exams, assignments and all. Hope everyone's well! This post was requested by an anonymous question on ask.fm.

Thought since I'm also waiting for my exam and assignment results, I'd share a bit of advice to hopefully assist anyone feeling anxious about their results!

Keep your thoughts positive. Having a negative mindset will really bring you down. You've already done the exam, there is no need to think about the "what ifs" and "I could have written more". In doing this, you will drive yourself crazy and there's just no need. You've already completed the exams, they're in the past now, as much as it sucks you cannot go back and re-do it, so it's best to accept it and move on.

19 May 2015

Combatting Oily Skin: A Product Review

Hello friends,

I was sauntering around a Westfield shopping centre the other day when I came across an interesting-looking store. Curiously, I abandoned my earlier hunt for the perfect pair of boots, and glanced through the glass windows, only for my eyes to meet the most perfect sight - makeup... enough makeup to last me my entire lifetime. Naturally, I had to walk in right? And that I did... to discover the amazing world of Mecca Maxima.

Ok pause and rewind.

I'm just being a doofus... Contrary to the gibberish I've written up there, I've actually known about Mecca for a while now as one of my good friends is the 2IC at the Macquarie store in Sydney (having previously worked at the Parramatta store). Truth be told, I headed in there to buy my mum about $300 worth of Lancôme creams for Mother's Day but ended up buying myself $300 worth of skincare products and makeup (not my best moment, I'll admit).

I was wandering the aisles, searching aimlessly for something to suit my skin as I needed to revamp my skincare regime when an idea hit me: Why don't I get one of the workers to assist me? Funny thing, that. Having people getting paid to wander around the store, bursting with knowledge and reviews about many of the products on the shelves. Who would've thought, hey?

Anyways, long story short, I was with this amazing worker for about fifteen minutes and coincidentally, we both had oily/combination skin (everything's going swell for me, isn't it?) and she recommended me a few products that have worked well with her skin so without a second thought, I bought them (probably should've thought through blasting $300 at once but it's worked out well for me so I'm not complaining).

And no, before you guys ask, the three products I'm reviewing won't cost you $300.

18 May 2015

Billboard Awards Red Carpet Review

Hey guys!

So the past couple of weeks we’ve been absolutely swamped with uni work, but we thought hey we’ve been neglecting the blog so today because we adore y’all so much we’re gonna give back and give you our best and worst dressed of the Billboard Music Awards!

I’ll get straight to it and rip the Band-Aid off so that we can appreciate the goodness later!

First up is Fifth Harmony…not really sure what they were going for but this is a straight up no. Like the only one really doing it for me here is Dinah, which is sad because these girls are all fire and could’ve done some real damage on that red carpet.

Next is…Delicia? Not really sure if she’s trying to outdo Nicki Minaj, pay tribute to her or what? I’m just really not sure and as cool as it looks it’s just straight out wrong, I thought days of celebrities doing this was over *sighs* I hope it lights up or something, I mean that would make it slightly okay.

28 April 2015

The Avengers: Age of Ultron


THIS MOVIE WAS INSANE. If I had to give it an unbiased rating it would definitely be a 8.5 out of 10, but because I'm beyond bias I'll give it an 11.

For those of you who don't know me very well, you should probably know that I am obsessed with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, absolutely obsessed. It's my guilty pleasure and I am a dork. I cannot begin to express my utter love for Marvel Superheroes, it's concerning.

Age of Ultron is the second Avengers movie and the  and let me tell you, it is a very satisfying sequel. Forget what they say about sequel's being crappy, this was definitely far from crappy. It had me laughing, crying and everything in between. *Whispers* It changed my life.

The movie is centred around Ultron, the 'love child' Of Dr Banner (The Hulk) and Tony Stark (Iron Man.) Originally designed to be a peace keeper, Ultron takes on the latter role, causing chaos and grief. The Avengers AKA World's mightiest Heroes work to keep the metal bastard at bay (no one tell Captain America that I swore)

22 April 2015

What's On My Phone?

Hello friends!
Hope you’re all well.

We’re all bogged down with assignments and exams, so unfortunately haven’t had time to write for the blog as much as we’d like to. I received an ask.fm question with two suggestions – What’s on my Phone? And Favourite Beauty Bloggers! I’m going to go ahead and do the What’s on my Phone suggestion, will also do the Beauty Bloggers in near future!
I’ve only got two pages because I like everything in a folder, organised – looks cleaner. In the extras folder I’ve put all the apps I could not care less about. We should have the option to delete those, am I right ladies? 

11 April 2015

Review: Cinderella, Insurgent, Fast & Furious 7

Hey guys!

Been a while since I really posted anything without having Rama breathing down my neck (love you, Rams) so I thought I'd actually put in some effort and contribute (for once).

Basically, I've been going on what some might call a movie binge in the past two weeks or so. Now, I wouldn't really call it a 'binge' per se, but I've paid to see more movies in a cinema in these two weeks than I have all year, so just stick with me on this.

The three I have chosen to review are Cinderella, Insurgent, and Furious 7 (allow me to cry). Now, I know they might not be of any interest to you, but I've heard some pretty mixed reviews of all so I thought, why not put in my two cents? (Also, I like looking for the graphics haha).

Ok, so let's get started.


9 April 2015


Hey honeys!

So I'm currently on my mid-semester break and I thought I'd honour my terrific procrastination skills by doing a review. 

Let me introduce you to...get ready for it...Mr. Bean

Ah yes this casanova has it going on, he's so good at what he does that he'll be all over you for the next few months. No honestly I love this stuff and it may smell a bit gross and get a bit messy but it does wonders! 

7 April 2015


Hello, so we’ve absolutely no clue as to what our next post would be, and we decided it would be our five favourite songs and one guilty pleasure – song wise.

Anastasia – I’m Outta Love
Chris Brown ft. Kendrick Lamar – Autumn Leaves
Rihanna – Towards the Sun
Tinashe – All Hands on Deck
San Cisco – Awkward

Guilty pleasure: High School Musical - Scream

The 1975 - You
One Direction – Happily
One Direction – 18
The Killers - Human
Chris Brown - X

Guilty pleasure: Gunday Soundtrack - Jiya

Ayshe -
Sam Smith – Leave Your Lover
Sia ft. The Weeknd – Elastic Heart
Maroon 5 - Feelings
The 1975 – Medicine
Kodaline – All I Want

Guilty pleasure: High School Musical – Gotta Go My Own Way

The Weeknd – Earned It
The Weeknd – Often
Ed Sheeran – Photograph
Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth – See You Again
Taylor Swift - Style

Guilty pleasure: One Direction – I Want

29 March 2015

Movies/TV Shows Anyone?

Helllooooo! So, we all have our moments where life becomes too hard and everything seems bleak and we just want to curl up as a ball in bed and just. do. nothing. Right?

Well, I know that I do.

And so, I thought I’d share with all of you the top five things I like to watch/listen/read when I’m in one of my highly antisocial moods – which, I should add, happen all too often. No, seriously, they happen at least once a week.

Anyway, here goes!

24 March 2015

Degrees, Degrees, Degrees.

I am actually running out of different ways to greet you guys, I’m going to start speaking different languages.

Here, we thought it’d be good to give you guys a look into our university degrees, what it entails and our thoughts on our degree. Hopefully it might be of assistance to those who are unsure of what they want to do! 
We wish you the best of luck with whatever you’ve chosen/chose to do!

I’m doing a Bachelor of Psychology; I chose to do this because I want to help people, to make a positive impact on their life. In starting the course, I didn’t realize there was so much biology and maths involved. These are my major weaknesses, but they weren’t any pre-requisites for the course. Apart from those—I really enjoy doing the course. I’ve learnt about how humans work, why humans behave in a way, about psychology theorists, how to write research papers, the different stages we go through cognitively and behaviourly different types of therapy and all about logical thinking. It’s really interesting to learn about how all the things we do but don’t think about, are actually conditioned responses we’ve learnt. With any subject in university, comes a lot of content, lectures, tutorials and readings (if I'm honest, I don't do half of them), you can always ask for help if needed. If you’ve got any questions about my course, I will be happy to answer them! Just comment below, or send me a question here. Rama x

21 March 2015

Everyday Make-Up Routine


Third time's the charm? This is my every day make-up routine. I didn’t like the other two posts, well; I didn’t like the pictures so I deleted it. However, this post is here to stay (hopefully). So without any further ado, here is my every day make up routine!

Right, so, first thing is first (had to refrain from making /that/ joke) foundation. I use the NARS Sheer Glow foundation, one pump, using the Models Prefer Airbrush BuffingBrush to blend that in. I don’t go in with a primer first because; does anyone really have the time? I also don't powder, I don't like the look of it.

18 March 2015

University Bag Essentials

Salutations my friends.

As some (all? most?) of you may know, I’m in my second year of university. And although we’ve already started, I thought I’d do a “what’s in my university bag/university bag essentials” post, thought it’d be fun. I love seeing what other people carry in their bags (is that odd?) so, I thought you guys might too. How many times have I said thought? Way too many.. Enjoy!

Let me start by showing you the bag I carry. My mum, bless her, bought it for me. I actually love it so much. It was bought from strandbags, but I looked on the website and can’t find it, so it must not be sold anymore. I suggest buying a bag that is able to carry a good amount of weight, one with lots of compartments and if you carry your laptop, a section for that. Most importantly, make sure it’s comfortable.

15 March 2015


Hiyaaaa. In reply to my question on our next post, someone asked it to be on positivity! And because we are all about the readers, here it is.

Being positive in some situations is extremely difficult; I get that. You have those days where nothing goes right and those weeks were nothing is looking up. It’s easier to be negative about a situation, than to be positive. However, as some of you may know, I’m currently studying psychology, and what I’ve learnt is that you can condition and control yourself more than you think. It’s amazing, really.

When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, instead of being irrational, take a few minutes to clear your mind or sleep on it and come back to it when you’re no longer consumed by anger, sadness etcetera, etcetera. This helps eliminate irrational thoughts, helps you come to better terms with the situation and whilst you’re asleep, your unconscious mind and brain is still working on the problem (this is why the random “oh I’ve got the answer!” thoughts pop up in your mind, learnt it in psychology too :P).

Another tip, although so painfully obvious, is think positive thoughts. I can hear collective groans, but I cannot stress how much this actually helps. When you catch yourself thinking negatively about a situation or an outcome, change those thoughts, train yourself to start thinking good thoughts. Your brain and body rely on you to give it directions and believe me when I say; you can change how you feel. Train your thoughts— it’s all in your head. Be mindful, when thinking about the situation or outcome, live in the present, make no judgments just let yourself be consciously aware of what’s going on, then move on to problem solving.

Finally, I know this is getting annoying, but I learnt about a therapy in psychology that I really like and thought it would be the perfect time to share it. It’s called the Acceptance and Commitment therapy. I’ll just give you a brief run down of the theoretical implications. The acceptance part of this theory is allowing yourself to accept and acknowledge your emotions and allowing yourself to feel them. Accept the past unwanted, unwelcomed experiences and then make a commitment towards fulfilling a meaningful life, accepting the pain that is inevitable.

Nooooooow, I know this wasn’t a big bowl of positive sunshine that some of you might have expected, but I thought that a post like this would be better than the generic stuff other people usually pull out. I hope this helps you guys with any issues that you may have gone through, or are still, going through. I think these concepts can be applied to just about any given situation. I wish you guys all the happiness in the world, and remember, to be positive, just be positive! Was that lame? That was lame, hahaha.

Rama xx

13 March 2015


The moment this word leaves someones lips, there’s collective gasp from some men, and often, as much as it pains me to say, even women.
This word composed of eight measly letters has become so stigmatised in society that anyone who declares themselves as a feminist is almost instantly classified as anti-men.
So what does the word Feminism really mean?
noun: feminism
    1.     the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Equality of the sexes.
Something this world is severely lacking in from the rich and poor, to black people and white people, religion and race, same sex marriage to opposite sex marriage and even, gender.
Did you know that on average women get paid 18% less than men do for the exact same job, exact same hours and most people don’t even seem to bat an eye? However, had this been the other way around there would have been a colossal outrage at the fact that a woman was being paid more than a man.
Oh, the atrocity.
Even jobs that are primarily classified as ‘feminine’, such as teaching or nursing, have males receiving a higher income than females. And most of the time nothing is done, nothing is said, not a word is spoken.
However, the moment someone tries to aim for a change in this patriarchal hierarchy that we’re living in, there’s a tremendous amount of backlash because ‘women are trying to get rid of men.’
Seriously. What the hell.
It is completely alright for a man to go around sleeping with as many woman as he likes, but when a woman does it, she’s a whore.
If a girl is raped, she was asking for it because she was a temptress, wearing that dress showing off her body—it didn't matter that the weather was blistering hot and that while any male was able to freely walk around without a shirt on, woman have to cover up because it’s unacceptable for her body to be on display. It didn't matter that the young girl was 15 and underage, while the man well into adulthood.
It didn't matter because she was asking for it.
It was her fault.
She shouldn't have lured him in.
She should be grateful that he risked jail time by fucking her.
That last one is a tweet that I’ve seen so many times that it has left me in a permanent state of disbelief. I’ve seen so many people say that, and RT that and what stunned me the most was that a large percentage of them were women.  
What is it that people dont understand about feminism? How difficult is it for someone to understand that feminism is not a way for woman to take over the world, it is a means to advocate for equality of the sexes, to prevent some of the horrendous acts that have been going on lately.
And, if you’re not going to advocate feminism for yourself, do it for the young teenage girl who missed out on going to college, and growing up and raising a family because she was murdered for turning down a boy who asked her to prom. Do it for all the innocent lives lost when a maniac — whose name will not be mentioned because he does not deserve the acknowledgement — posted that video on youtube declaring that he was going on a killing spree because he was a 22 year old virgin and girls kept rejecting him despite his nice car and ‘nice-guy attitude’. Do it for yourself and your family, for your mother and sister and daughter. Do it for anyone and everyone because god knows the lack of equality in this world is damning.
Everyone has faced inequality at some point, even men. And the fact that the inequality men face is overlocked, is inequality in itself.
It’s an infestation that’s scattered all over the world and rather than whining and crying about the outbreak of ebola (that isn't really an outbreak anywhere other than Africa) white male supremacists can focus on the infestation of gender inequality, instead. 

Ayshe .xx