19 May 2015

Combatting Oily Skin: A Product Review

Hello friends,

I was sauntering around a Westfield shopping centre the other day when I came across an interesting-looking store. Curiously, I abandoned my earlier hunt for the perfect pair of boots, and glanced through the glass windows, only for my eyes to meet the most perfect sight - makeup... enough makeup to last me my entire lifetime. Naturally, I had to walk in right? And that I did... to discover the amazing world of Mecca Maxima.

Ok pause and rewind.

I'm just being a doofus... Contrary to the gibberish I've written up there, I've actually known about Mecca for a while now as one of my good friends is the 2IC at the Macquarie store in Sydney (having previously worked at the Parramatta store). Truth be told, I headed in there to buy my mum about $300 worth of Lancôme creams for Mother's Day but ended up buying myself $300 worth of skincare products and makeup (not my best moment, I'll admit).

I was wandering the aisles, searching aimlessly for something to suit my skin as I needed to revamp my skincare regime when an idea hit me: Why don't I get one of the workers to assist me? Funny thing, that. Having people getting paid to wander around the store, bursting with knowledge and reviews about many of the products on the shelves. Who would've thought, hey?

Anyways, long story short, I was with this amazing worker for about fifteen minutes and coincidentally, we both had oily/combination skin (everything's going swell for me, isn't it?) and she recommended me a few products that have worked well with her skin so without a second thought, I bought them (probably should've thought through blasting $300 at once but it's worked out well for me so I'm not complaining).

And no, before you guys ask, the three products I'm reviewing won't cost you $300.

18 May 2015

Billboard Awards Red Carpet Review

Hey guys!

So the past couple of weeks we’ve been absolutely swamped with uni work, but we thought hey we’ve been neglecting the blog so today because we adore y’all so much we’re gonna give back and give you our best and worst dressed of the Billboard Music Awards!

I’ll get straight to it and rip the Band-Aid off so that we can appreciate the goodness later!

First up is Fifth Harmony…not really sure what they were going for but this is a straight up no. Like the only one really doing it for me here is Dinah, which is sad because these girls are all fire and could’ve done some real damage on that red carpet.

Next is…Delicia? Not really sure if she’s trying to outdo Nicki Minaj, pay tribute to her or what? I’m just really not sure and as cool as it looks it’s just straight out wrong, I thought days of celebrities doing this was over *sighs* I hope it lights up or something, I mean that would make it slightly okay.